Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Cornell University, July 27, 1927


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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Cornell University, July 27, 1927


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Cornell University, July 27, 1927


Dear Charlie:

Your letter reached me only a few hours after my return from Connecticut Lake where I have been for the past two weeks with my own boy. The old place has not changed much, though on account of logging operations the fishing on the Diamond has been very poor for the past two years. I share your hope that you will have an opportunity to see the old place again, enjoy a good tramp in the woods, and get a few old-fashioned fly bites before you go back to China.

Your records from Amherst reached me some time ago, and I at once forwarded them to you and, if I remember correctly, using Arthur's mail box address in Boston. If you have not received the record by this time, I would suggest that you inquire at the Boston Post office for I think I sent several documents to you and Tom at that address.

I am sorry that you are not finding more to do this summer that seems really worth while, though I know that a good rest won't hurt you. Tom assured me that he was to take regular courses at Boston University. If he is not doing this, he certainly should let me know.

With best wishes to you both, believe me

Always sincerely yours


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


July 27, 1927


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