Letter from C.Y. Sun, Tientsin, to Alfred E. Stearns, December 4, 1923


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Letter from C.Y. Sun, Tientsin, to Alfred E. Stearns, December 4, 1923


Letter from C.Y. Sun, Tientsin, to Alfred E. Stearns, December 4, 1923


My dear Dr. Stearns:

I thank you for your letter of the 12th.Septr. and for your most excellent care of the children during the holiday time. Charlie, Tom and Mary under your direct care, and Arthur at the Tec. camp all seem to have had a fine summer holiday; and they are lucky ones for their father was grinding away through the heat here without a holiday at all. Arthur mentioned in a recent letter that he had been to Phillips for examination for a diploma, but he seems to have failed whereat I am sorry. With regard to the Tsing-Hua scholarship for Arthur, I hope the scholarship money has been sent to you as previously arranged for.

I am very glad that Mary is making better and steadier progress. If I remember rightly she was weak in her English, but now that she is shaping better it might be possible for her to hold her own in her English work, and in her other work at Northfield. I think she would be very happy to go there if that could be arranged and met with your approval.

Charlie mentions that he had dropped Latin- where he has dropped it he does not say, but he does mention that he finds the work beyond him. However I had not heard him complain before of this subject,; and I think he has been doing this study for some time. Tom seems to have taken to music and is very proud of his election to sing in the church choir. If he really has any gift for this, do you think he ought to take music lessons? You will be able by this time to know if he would profit from such lessons. I am very pleased that he has taken to the church choir and is interested in the whole service and work of the church.

I trust the children continue to keep in good health and spirits. I am much indebted to you for your most excellent care of them and for all the trouble you have taken.

With best wishes for a very happy New Year,

I remain,
Yours sincerely,


C.Y. Sun


Phillips Academy


December 4, 1923


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