Letter from C.Y. Sun, Tientsin, to Alfred E. Stearns, April 7, 1922


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Letter from C.Y. Sun, Tientsin, to Alfred E. Stearns, April 7, 1922


Letter from C.Y. Sun, Tientsin, to Alfred E. Stearns, April 7, 1922


My dear Dr. Stearns:

I have your letters of 18th and 26th January and 22nd February last for which I sincerely thank you. They would have been acknowledged early were it not that I have journeying about in the interest of famine relief work etc.

The accounts enclosed in your letter of 26th January are found satisfactory would hardly require assurance. They will be submitted to Messrs Sheh and Lin in due course.

As you have asked for an opinion from me as regards the children’s expenditure I feel I should meet you but whatever I now express should only be accepted as a suggestion as I fully realize that being thousands of miles away from their locality I am in no position to have any accurate idea as to their absolute requirements.

From the accounts to hand it seems that they, particularly Arthur, have been spending somewhat beyond our estimate.

I understand from various quarters that the students our Government have sent to the States are allowed only $87 per month exclusive of their tuition which is attached to separately and it is said that their expenditure, all in all, average each about $1200 a year, this being the case, Arthur’s expenditure seems somewhat large. However, in view of the high cost of living at the present time in the States the $1200 per year for the Government students may hardly be sufficient to meet all their requirements.

In this country of ours where economy is one of our cardinal principles, it would be wise to have the children practice what the Government students are doing. There will be no harm to make them careful in their spending so that they may know the value of money.

I think Messrs Sheh and Lin would be of my opinion if theirs would be referred to-particularly at this juncture when trade is at a stand still and the fiscal matters somewhat out of gear.

However, I should repeat that you knowing the local conditions would know better than any of us here as regards the children’s retrenching and on your better judgment we should rely.

The children according to your letters and the reports of Captain and Mrs. Chen and Mr. Liang-who has just arrived-are getting on finely, which I need not assure you is most gratifying to us all here.

With warmest regards to all about you. I remain,

Yours very truly,


C.Y. Sun


Phillips Academy


April 7, 1922


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