Letter from C.Y. Sun, Tientsin, to Alfred E. Stearns, August 10, 1921


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Letter from C.Y. Sun, Tientsin, to Alfred E. Stearns, August 10, 1921


Letter from C.Y. Sun, Tientsin, to Alfred E. Stearns, August 10, 1921


My dear Dr. Stearns;

Mr. Liang has been good enough as to show me your letter to him dated the 24th June. It goes without saying that I was much interested in its contents. I am glad that the children, under your eminent guidance, have met with successes in their career. Mary wrote to me about the ball game, Andover vs. Exeter. I am much astonished at her excitement she betrayed upon Andover's victory and how she went to ring the school bell. She was rather a reserved girl a year ago. It is such a change in her temperament. During the year past she must have learned the true meaning of sympathy and how to respond freely and fully to the right stimuli I feel that she is now free from that restraint common to our old custom and observed by our young girls.

After reading carefully once more the letters you wrote me and the letter I sent to you on July 11th, I have just one more word to add. From your letter I gathered the impression that all the four children are likely to be separated by the coming term. I hope you understand that their leaving your house is the least thing I desired. Though under changed circumstance and with your approval, I must agree to their seeking new homes elsewhere.

It is most gratifying to learn from Mary that she will go to the same school with your daughter.

As to Charles, Thomas, I hope you will still keep them in your house as they are to enter Philips [sic] Academy only.

I wrote to you in my last letter about these youngsters to learn Latin. Whether they should take it up or not I leave the matter wholly to your expert judgement, though I think that these children may be benefitted by acquiring a scholarly preparation now besides whatever profession they may take up afterwards. From my observation they have the languist [sic] talent. Do you think it would be advisable for them to take up German besides French and English.

Regarding to Arthur I have not heard definitly [sic] about his having passed his examination, as I have only received 3 diplomas. From the tones of the letters I received I presume he will be qualified to enter college.

I am glad to hear that Arthur has joined camp Aloha of New Hampshire with Quincy and that the three younger ones are enjoying camping with you.

Inclosed please find herewith a draft on Irving Rational Bank of N.Y. No I2/226 dated Aug. 3rd ’21, to your order amounting to $3,000. Please credit same as follows; $1,000. to Arthur, $1,000 to Quincy Shih (by his father’s/request) /$400, to Mary and $300. each to Charles and Thomas, and much oblige.

In conclusion permit me to thank you most sincerely for all the trouble you have taken on my childrens' behalf.

Your very sincerely,


C.Y. Sun


Phillips Academy


August 10, 1921


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