Letter from Chung Ying (C.Y.) Sun, Tientsin, to Alfred E. Stearns, August 7, 1920


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Letter from Chung Ying (C.Y.) Sun, Tientsin, to Alfred E. Stearns, August 7, 1920


Letter from Chung Ying (C.Y.) Sun, Tientsin, to Alfred E. Stearns, August 7, 1920


Dear Dr. Stearns,

I hope that you have received Mr. M. T. Liang’s letter sent you about a week ago, in which he besought on my behalf your favour to undertake the care of my three sons, namely

Arthur K. I. Sun ( age 20 )
Charles K. H. Sun ( " 13 )
Thomas K. J. Sun (" 12 )
and my daughter
Mary S. L. Sun ( " 15 )

during their stay in the States to pursue their studies. In view of your letter to Mr. Liang dated 21st. June last, we were afraid that the postal advice sent to you regarding their arrival at Andover might be too late for you to make adequate arrangements for them to enter suitable schools and to select desirable families for them to live in, therefore I have requested Mr. Liang to cable you to that effect. As I am told by my American and Chinese friends how obliging you have always been and how keenly you wish to see our Chinese boys and girls properly educated, I feel confident That I can rely upon your kind assistance in this matter.

The photos of my children have been sent to you by Mr. Liang. I now enclose the following.

1. A certificate (copy) of Tsing-hua College Peking issued to Arthur K. I. Sun.
2. A copy of a certificate issued to Mary S. L. Sun by St. Joseph’s School at Tientsin.
3. 4 lists of books studied or being studied by Arthur K. I . Sun, Charles K.H. Sun and Thomas Z.J. Sun. from which I hope you will be able to form an opinion as to what grades of schools they may enter.

Arthur has just finished his Sophomore year in Tsing-hua College, Peking. After he has completed his high school course in two years or so, he expects to join M.I.T. to learn Civil engineering provided you think that profession will suit him. As regards the other two boys and the girl, it will be many years before they finish their courses in high school and I leave the matter entirely to your decision as to what will suit them best in view of their qualifications.

For these youngsters, I feel that the homes in which they are to live in are to be more carefully considered than the schools. I wish that they would be placed in those thorough Christian homes in which the parents are people of the highest culture and in a position to give my children every advantage that they, as growing boys and girl, ought to have. Be kind enough to arrange with your Christian friends who are willing to receive my Children as their own. My friend, Mr. A.G.. Robinson, a secretary of Young Men Christian Association here who is now in America and knows my children, entertains the same opinion that the home should be the first consideration for the youngsters. He and my other friends, Mr. Pyke and Mr. Stanley, may call upon you in regard to the selection of good Christian homes, but they understand that you being the guardian of my children will have the sole authority to decide the matter. If it is not possible for all four children to go into one family, they may be divided into two groups, Arthur and Charles into one, Thomas and Mary into another.

Arthur has already been baptized. I wish that all of them could be induced to attend Church services regularly and turn to be true Christians. They are also to be constantly advised about their selection of friends.

I am remitting to you through the First National Bank of Boston, Boston $4000.- to defray all expenses of my four children including clothing and other necessaries and some allowance to each for petties. Further remittance will follow. I don't want them to acquire an extravagant habit and they have to be satisfied with what you think it is proper for them. I have given to each of them $300.- to pay for their miscellaneous and travelling expenses from China to Andover, with exception of passage tickets per "Nanking" and they have been ordered to render you an account and to turn the balance on hand to you.

Before closing, I wish to express how glad I feel, through the kind recommendation of Mr. Liang, to have my children placed into your good hands, such as I have been longing to see, but words fail to show my appreciation and gratitude for all the trouble you will take on my behalf. I hope that all of them will prove themselves to be worthy of your good care.

Kindest regards,

Yours sincerely,


Chung Ying (C.Y.) Sun


Phillips Academy


August 7, 1920


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