Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Carlie Mallett, Elmira College, September 21, 1926


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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Carlie Mallett, Elmira College, September 21, 1926


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Carlie Mallett, Elmira College, September 21, 1926


My dear Miss Mallett:

I have your letter of September 20.

The room arrangements for Mary Sun have been very much complicated through the appearance on the scene of Mr. Robinson, a very close and intimate friend of Mary's father in China. Mr. Robinson brought with him the last reports of Mr. Sun's desires, and these were, apparently, that Mary should room for her first year in college in some good private family. Under the circumstances I felt that this was the only course to pursue and expressed my approval of the plan, but seemingly very much to Mary's regret. Mr. Robinson, in the meantime, had arranged with a family in Elmira to take the girl for the year, and I consequently asked Mary to notify you at once of her desire to cancel the room in the dormitory, believing that there would still be an opportunity for you to find another occupant before the college actually open. I am standing ready to reimburse you for the room in case this proved to be impossible.

Mr. Robinson had planned to meet Mary last Saturday and go with her to Elmira, but we were unable to locate her at the moment, as she was visiting friends; and so his sister made the trip to Elmira and wired me this morning, an hour or two before your letter arrived, telling me of her interview with you and her conclusion that under the circumstances the dormitory room should be held and be occupied by Miss Sun. She asked for my advice, and I wired her at once expressing my approval. I hope, therefore, that the trouble has now been revoved [sic] and that the arrangements made will prove in every way I am a bit surprised at what you say of the artificiality and unusualness of housing a girl, and especially a foreigner, outside of the college buildings for the first year of her college course, for I know that in most of the colleges such an arrangement is the one commonly made and preferred. Of course my only desire is to do what is best for the girl herself and at the same time carry out, so far as I decently can, her father's expressed wishes.

Very sincerely yours,


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


September 21, 1926


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