Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Elmira College, October 3, 1927


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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Elmira College, October 3, 1927


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Elmira College, October 3, 1927


Dear Mary:

Thank you for explaining your change of front in regard to the course at the Yale Nursing School. Anyway, I don’t believe that my letter to your father can do any harm, and I am still far more in favor of nursing than of typewriting and stenography for you, for it seems to me that you have special gifts in that particular line and I am not sure just how well you would do at the other job. Obviously, Helen Tsai’s father has recently written me asking that Helen be given special work in English and that she add to her regular studies as stiff a course as she can carry in typewriting. He feels that there is a real opportunity in China for girls who are well trained in this line.

No, I have not the slightest objection to your putting in the Christmas vacation at Elmira, though, of course, you may receive in the meantime some special invitation that you will not feel like rejecting.

I had a nice letter from Quincey yesterday. He is very much distressed over the condition of things in China and tells me that the whole situation is much worse than it was before the fighting and than it has been reported here. He says also that he finds little of the so-called hatred of foreigners but indeed quits the reverse. Evidently he feels a good bit discouraged about the future, and I can’t wonder.

I am glad to know that the new year opens up so promisingly for you and do hope that it will end with a record of steady good health and steady progress in your college work.

Always sincerely yours,



Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


October 3, 1927


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