Letter from Charles Sun, Amherst, Mass., to Alfred E. Stearns, November 13, 1927


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Letter from Charles Sun, Amherst, Mass., to Alfred E. Stearns, November 13, 1927


Letter from Charles Sun, Amherst, Mass., to Alfred E. Stearns, November 13, 1927


Dear Mr. Stearns,

Sorrv to do this, but I am obliged to. I know that it is not time to ask you for more money yet, but as circumstances arrive, I have to do this.

My college and fraternity bills ran much higher than I expected, these amounting to about nearly four hundred dollars. I bought a new winter suit, too, this being my first suit in about seven months. And now the fraternity wants to raise some money to buy a new victrola before the regular rushing season starts, and there are several new motions passed for various things for which I must have compensation. I will not ask for very much this time. All I ask is twenty five dollars. If you will see my situation, you will understand. I now have but fifteen dollars left in the bank, and that I have to use to buy various pamphlets and documents for the thesis which I have to write for my course in City Government.

This money I will account in together with my account for the fall. Then I will send you a full statement of all expenditures from the early part to the end of this term. But if you wish I will be glad to send you a statement of my expenses so far so that you can see the situation which I have to face. I will need the money very shortly, probably within a week, so I will be very thankful if you will send me sum immediately. I do not dare to touch the money which I have left in the bank for fear of some emmergency [sic]might turn up. I am now pledging to pay for the victrola within a week.

Yours very truly


Charles Sun


Phillips Academy


November 13, 1927


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