Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Elmira College, January 8, 1927


Dublin Core


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Elmira College, January 8, 1927


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Elmira College, January 8, 1927


Dear Mary:

I have your letter of January 6 and am disturbed that you should feel so discouraged about your work. I really think that you exaggerate your own limitations and that you are probably doing better than you are willing to give yourself credit for. Further, I am sure that your cold, which naturally makes you feel miserable, is reflected in the feelings you have expressed in your letter. Don’t get discouraged and don’t overwork. Remember that a good physical condition invariably means that you can do more and better work in a far shorter time than you can when you are not at your best physically. That is the chief reason that both Miss Clemons and I were so insistent that you should take more exercise than you are disposed to take of your own initiative. I honestly believe that this tendency on your part to avoid wholesome exercise leaves you in a sluggish state naturally which in itself would account for much of your trouble.

I am not going to preach, however, but only suggest what I am sure is for your best. Take good care of that cold, get some wholesome vigorous exercise every day, and don’t worry further about the results. You are not going to disgrace yourself or your father either.

A happy and successful new year to you!


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


January 8, 1927


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