Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Elmira College, November 26, 1926


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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Elmira College, November 26, 1926


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Elmira College, November 26, 1926


My dear Mary:

Many thanks for your Thanksgiving telegram which I found at the house on my return from Mont Vernon last night, where I had gone to have Thanksgiving dinner with my brother and sister and my two new Chinese wards, Alfred and Helen Tsai. I wonder if you know them?

This morning’s mail brings me your letter of November 23. I was on the point of writing you about the Christmas holidays, and your suggestions, therefore, are particularly acceptable. I am perfectly willing to leave the final decision to you and shall be ready to approve of your remaining in Elmira, if that is your preference and other girls do so. the college authorities allow you to occupy your regular quarters, or must you go outside? Further, will there be anyone of authority in charge during the vacation period.

I don’t know yet what the boys plan to do, though I imagine that Arthur will be busy with his new Job and will probably have only the day itself off. After I hear from Charlie and Tom, I can tell a bit better perhaps what you yourself should do. Of course I hope you can arrange to get together for part of the vacation, anyway, if the expense isn’t going to be serious.

Please let me hear from you, so that I may know a little more clearly what arrangements can be counted on if you remain in Elmira, and believe me with all good wishes.

Very sincerely yours,


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


November 26, 1926


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