Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Charles Sun, Amherst, Mass., December 7, 1926


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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Charles Sun, Amherst, Mass., December 7, 1926


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Charles Sun, Amherst, Mass., December 7, 1926


Dear Charlie:

Many thanks for your letter of December 2. I am sending you a check, as requested, and shall be ready to send more when this sum has been exhausted, for I have absolute confidence in your good sense in handling money and am really delighted with the sane and balanced way in which you meet responsibilities in general. I wish I felt as easy about Tom.

I am perfectly satisfied to have you remain in Amherst, provided only you do not devote the vacation too vigorously to hard work. A fellow who works as conscientiously as you do deserves and needs a definite amount of relaxation at vacation times. If you do make your headquarters in Amherst, plan, by all means, please, to get away for one or two short trips, anyway, just to get new contacts and a general freshening up. Don't let that poet dream business grip you too hard or too long, though it is all right for Christmas Day itself.
You will be interested to know that I saw quite a little of Mary just this last week-end. I accepted an invitation to preach at Elmira College, chiefly for the chance it offered to see her and also in connection with an alumni meeting. I saw her for a minute Saturday afternoon in a swirling anew storm. Sunday morning she brought two or three of her friends down to the local church in Elmira, where I was speaking, and Sunday evening, after the college service, she was invited with me over to the Senior dormitory, where in front of a big open fire we sat and chatted and had a good time generally. She seems in the best of health and spirits, though she feels that her work comes pretty hard. The terms used in her course in trouble her most, and she is consequently taking a little outside tutoring in that subject for the present. I haven’t seen her marks yet. She, herself, doesn’t know what they are going to be. Anyway, it was good to see her and find her so well and so happy.

I am sorry that the friend in Springfield happens to be one of the Abbot group who helped in that troublesome fuss last year. Still, I understand that the family are nice people, and, since Mary seems likely to be
happiest with them and also most closely in touch there with you and Arthur, I think think this is the best arrangement we could probably hope for.

Regretting deeply that I can’t have the old pleasure of welcoming you for the Christmas season in my own home and wishing you a truly joyful Christmas season and a happy and prosperous New Year, believe me always

Very sincerely yours,



Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


December 7, 1926


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