Letter from Thomas Sun, Middlebury College, to Alfred E. Stearns, June 1, 1927


Dublin Core


Letter from Thomas Sun, Middlebury College, to Alfred E. Stearns, June 1, 1927


Letter from Thomas Sun, Middlebury College, to Alfred E. Stearns, June 1, 1927


Dear Dr. Stearns:

I hope that you have received the statement of my account. I am now in a financial difficulty and it is necessary that I should pay off several laundry bills and other minor ones. I now have only eighteen cents to my name, and I will very much obliged if I can receive the $300.00 I asked for before the end of this week. I will do my best to make that sum last through the summer. In case if you have sent the money already, please disregard this note.

I have not heard yet from the Mass Water Supply Commission about the work this summer. In case if I do not hear from them at all, I shall follow the plan of which I wrote to you last time.

I receive a letter from Charlie this morning stating that he plans to go to Boston again this summer, whether or not he will go to the Harvard Sumner School, I do not know. He just said that he will go to Boston around the 17th of this month. I also plan to join him in Boston. We shall stay with Arthur.

The final examinations come within a week and I have hope to pass all my subject as I did the last time. But the English Litterature [sic] is causing me considerable worry. I shall do my best. However I am not making statements as to my results.

There is a question whether or not I want to go to the Harvard Summer School if I pass all my subjects. I leave that for you to decide.

I shall be in Andover on the 16th of this month.

Sincerely yours


Thomas Sun


Phillips Academy


June 1, 1927


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