Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mrs. K.S. Mok, Hong Kong, November 21, 1917


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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mrs. K.S. Mok, Hong Kong, November 21, 1917


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mrs. K.S. Mok, Hong Kong, November 21, 1917


My dear Mrs. Mok:

Your letter of July 29th reached Andover in my absence and was acknowledged by my secretary. I am writing at this time merely to advise you that I am endeavoring to the best of my ability to carry out your instructions. Sung comes to me from time to time to secure needed funds, and he is very careful to submit a retailed statement of his expenditures, which so far as I can judge indicate that he is not over-extravagant in his use of money. He is now rooming at the Clement House on School Street, which I believe is in accordance with your wish.

Sung seems happy and contented. In his work he is still having some difficulty, though I think he is making better progress than he did last year. My impression of the boy is that he will improve steadily even if slowly as he goes higher in his studies. His spirit seems of the best, and I have always found him most courteous and reliable.

I think I can appreciate what it must mean to leave your boy so far away from home, and I can assure you that I shall always deem it a privilege to aid or care for him in any way within my power should the occasion arise. So far Sung has been in the best of health and I do not anticipate that he will need any special attention in this direction. Our infirmary, as you know, is thoroughly up-to-date, and is in charge of a competent matron. Boys requiring medical attention are at once cared for at the infirmary, and in case of special emergencies are attended by the most competent physicians that can be secured in Boston.

Thanking you again for your very kind letter and with personal regards and the best of wishes, believe me,

Very sincerely yours,


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


November 21, 1917


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