Letter to Alfred E. Stearns to H.T. Shen, MIT, Boston, March 30, 1908 (regarding scholarship for Fucheng Seetoo to MIT)


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Letter to Alfred E. Stearns to H.T. Shen, MIT, Boston, March 30, 1908 (regarding scholarship for Fucheng Seetoo to MIT)


Letter to Alfred E. Stearns to H.T. Shen, MIT, Boston March 30, 1908 (regarding scholarship for Fucheng Seetoo to MIT)


My dear Sir:

Mr. Fucheng Seetoo, of Shanghai, China at present a student here in Phillips Academy has asked me to write you a word in his behalf. As I understand, Mr. Seetoo hopes to secure governmental assistance in the further pursuit of his American education. I trust that he will be successful in this, for in my judgment he is most worthy of assistance of this kind.

Mr. Seetoo came to us in the fall of 1906. He did good work in his studies from the start, improving very noticeably as he went on. This year his school work has been even better than before, and some of this teachers consider him one of the brightest of the Chinese boys we have had here, if not one of the brightest minds they have come in contact with in the class-room. Besides being actually very bright as a student, Mr. Seetoo has always been faithful and persevering in his work, and most amenable to our regulations and any suggestions that have been made.

Near the close of the last school year the boy's father lost his money, and it was a question whether the boy himself would be able to continue his studies here. Our Faculty felt so strongly that he ought not to give up his education and this ability and prospects were unusual, that [illegible]

If you can see your way to make the financial problem easier for this boy, I am sure that he will amply repay any confidence placed in him, or any funds invested by the government in his behalf. If I can at any time furnish you more detailed information, I shall be very glad to hear from you.

Very truly yours,


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


March 30, 1908


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