Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to M.T. Liang, Boston, October 27, 1919

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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to M.T. Liang, Boston, October 27, 1919


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to M.T. Liang, Boston, October 27, 1919


27 October, 1919.
Mr. M. T. Liang
Young's Hotel
Court Square
Boston, Mass.

My dear Mr. Liang:

On my return to Andover I find your letter of the 21st inst. I am living again to-night for the West in the interests of the campaign for funds for the school which is now under way. For the past two weeks I have had to spend most of my time in New York and vicinity. It will be several weeks yet before I shall be able to return to my school duties on the old hilltop.

Even if I am not to be here, I do hope that you will find it possible to visit Andover again before you return to the homeland. Miss Clemons would be delighted to provide for your needs at the house; and I can assure you that the latchstring will be always out and a warm welcome waiting for you. It will be a source of deep regret to me indeed if I am not able to see you once more before you turn your footsteps and your face towards the Orient.
Needless to say I am delighted that you are so well pleased with young Tsai’s progress. We all feel that the lad had done uncommonly well, and I only hope that the good record will continue.

With warmest personal regards and every good wish to you, believe me always

Very sincerely yours,


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


October 27, 1919


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