Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Helen Tsai, October 5, 1926


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Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Helen Tsai, October 5, 1926


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Helen Tsai, October 5, 1926


Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Helen Tsai. Congratulates Helen on her first English letter. States she did well and if the situations were reverses, Stearns' first Chinese letter would not be as good. Hopes to see her at school again once the school year begins. Asks if Alfred visited last Sunday.


Miss Helen Y.K.Tsai
Whittier School
Merrimac, Mass.

My dear Helen:

Your interesting and cheerful letter reached me yesterday, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. It was very nice of you to write and I must congratulate you on doing so remarkably well on your first attempt. I am perfectly sure that, if I had had the same amount of training in Chinese that you have had in English and had attempted to write you a letter in your native tongue, I could you have begun to do as well as have done in this instance.

It was good to get that little glimpse of you at your school last week, and I hope to get over again before long and have a look at you when the actual school year and school work are under way. I am sure you will like the school and will go ahead very fast in your work, for certainly you have the right kind of spirit to assure success.

Did you see Alfred last Sunday? He called at my house Sunday afternoon, my cook tells me, while I was out for a short walk. I think my sister-in-law must have driven him down. As she told me sometime ago that she hoped to drive him down to Merrimac some day, I thought that very probably they had stopped in Andover on their way to see you. I certainly hope that he had a chance to visit you, for I know that this would have meant a great deal to you and to him, too. I wonder if he is still “Oberlin sick?”

Wishing you very success in your work and plenty of enjoyment from the school life, and hoping to see you soon, believe me

Very sincerely yours.


Dr. Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


October 5, 1926


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