Letter from C.Y.Sun to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns, November 26, 1936


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Letter from C.Y.Sun to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns, November 26, 1936


Letter from C.Y.Sun to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns, November 26, 1936


34 Hongkong Road Tientsin, China. 26th November, 1936

My dear Dr. Stearns,

It has been my honor for the past sixteen years to write to you on this occasion conveying to you and Mrs. Stearns my most heartfelt greetings for a very Merry Christmas and a truly Happy New Year. I can not think of anyone to whom I owe so much and so deeply grateful for what you did toward the moulding of my children into manhood.

Arthur is still with the City Government of the City of Greater Shanghai as its senior engineer, and Tom has left the Kailan Mining Administration in Tientsin this last summer and joined the Bank of China in Shanghai. He did so at a considerable sacrifice financially only because that it was thought that he might lie of greater service to the country by throwing his lot in with the premier banking institution of China thereby contributing his share in the economic development of the country. He has been appointed as an Assistant District Superintendent of the Head Office Business Department. Mary is still living in Peiping along together with my eldest son Edwin.

This last year has been a trying one for me. My annual trip to Shanghai this last spring was the cause of my failing health. It was there that I was again taken seriously ill from which I have yet to recover completely. All energy left my erstwhile strong body to such an extent that at one time I could not walk even around the room without assistance. But. now I am immensely better and am able to sit up and write this letter of greeting to you and Mrs. Stearns.

The political horizon in the Far East is not at all too bright. At this very juncture one dares not say whether there will be war or peace. But one thing is sure that the days are gone when China can accept provocations without recourse. Should hostilities break out, it can not be certain to what extent it will develop or in what direction. It will be terrible, but China is ready to a man.
I am taking the liberty to send to you under separate cover some embroidery as a remembrance as well as a token of my deep appreciation of a truly great man such as you. Knowing the uncompromising attitude of the Customs People of most nations, I have taken it onto myself to enclose herewith the voucher for the embroidery identifying it as an antique which it really is. I understand antiques can avoid duty payment. This voucher, being issued by an expert on such things, should avoid you unnecessary expenditure. I hope by this slight expression of my appreciation and gratitude to you, our friendship, even across the great ocean that separates us, will be everlasting.

My children join me in sending to you and Mrs. Stearns our most cordial greetings of the season with a hope that the coming year will be one of happiness and contentment to a truly deserving man such as you.

Most sincerely yours




Phillips Academy


November 26, 1936


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