Letter from C.Y.Sun to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns on December 31, 1937


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Letter from C.Y.Sun to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns on December 31, 1937


Letter from C.Y.Sun to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns on December 31, 1937


103 Wellington Road
Tientsin, China
31st December, 1937

My dear Dr. Stearns,

I must apologize for my failure to answer your very good letter dated the 9th April. Soon after receipt of your letter, however, I wrote to Mr. Flagg enclosing my small contribution, which, I hope, however slight, will in some measure express my deep attachment to the school. I only wish that I could see my way to give more, but in view of the circumstances prevailing I am obliged to postpone my wishes till things become easier.

Your suggestion that a contribution from the China group be solicitated is an admirable one, and on this respect I have already written to both Arthur and Tom who will eventually correspond with you. But in view of the disturbed condition under which they are living, I am afraid that even if they do succeed to induce other former Andover to contribute it must necessarily be small in comparison with the undoubtedly large gifts you must be receiving.

Some time ago, I wrote to Tommy asking him to purchase for me an appropriate gift for you as an expression of my esteem. Since then, although some weeks have elapsed due to the disturbed condition of postal services, I have heard from him that he had already mailed to you four pieces of silk embroidery. I beg your acceptance of these gifts, and I think it is only appropriate that I should at this time, however late, send remembrances to the most cherished of my friends. It is my fervent hope that this Yuletide Season and the New Years will be a happy one for both you and Mrs. Steams and that the future be one of contentment and. happiness. I have no doubt that
the peaceful surroundings where you are spending the holidays are ideal for a man who so deserves his rest, and that these surroundings be symbolic of the state of your spirits. Therefore, please accept my most sincere greetings for a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

The past year has been kind to me. Although buffeted by illness of a minor nature periodically, I am now enjoying good health and am able to be about as usual. I have been successful dur-
this year to sell my house and am now living at the above address. Next spring, should circumstances permit, I even hope to venture south for either another visit or permanent establishment in the land of my birth.

All of my children weathered the year in the usual way except for Arthur who had the misfortune of losing another son leaving him now but one. It was a blow to all of us, but as fate desires, there is little that we can do. However, Arthur himself is still in good health and is remaining in Shanghai as is Tommy. Mary is still in Peiping.

My entire family join me to wish you a most happy New Year and hope that with the years you will find abundance and contentment in deserved reward for a life devoted to the welfare of others of whom my family is the greatest debtor.

Believe me,
Most sincerely yours




Phillips Academy


December 31, 1937


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