Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Sinley K.Y. Chang, October 31, 1921


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Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Sinley K.Y. Chang, October 31, 1921


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Sinley K.Y. Chang, October 31, 1921


Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Sinley K.Y. Chang expressing regret in missing him during his recent visit to New Haven. Stearns announces he is pleased to hear about Chang's college life at Yale. Also informs Chang that he is returning to him the form he had sent him since Stearn, never having before handled Chang's personal funds, doesn't feel he has the authority to sign the bond.


October 31, 1921

Mr. Sinley K.Y.Chang
586 Yale Station
New Haven, Conn.

My dear Chang:

I enjoyed immensely your letter of October 27. It reached me just before I left for New Haven Saturday, and I was hoping that this trip would give me a chance to see you in person. Unfortunately I had to leave New Haven immediately after the service Sunday morning in order to meet a similar engagement at the Choate School early in the afternoon; but it was fine even to shake hands with so many Andover follows as I was privileged to meet in the Yale Chapel.

I am delighted that you find your college life and prospects so satisfactory. Don’t be misled by the superficial, but seek only the things that are worth while, and which so often lie beneath the surface, and the things which are going to make you a more effective instrument for the placing of your country in the very van of the civilized nations of the world. You fellows have not big problems to settle when you get back to China. If they are going to be settled right, China must count on you to tackle them in a spirit of absolute honesty and personal disinterestedness and with an intellectual and moral equipment which shall enable you to meet all the darts of clever and unscrupulous antagonists who would thwart your efforts if they could and who sometimes hypocritically posing as patriots would betray their country for material gain. It is a great fight and a worthy challenge and you must be prepared to play a big part in it all. Good luck to you!

I am returning the form of the bond which you sent me, because I am afraid that I am not qualified to sign it for you. You see I have never handled your personal funds and hence I have no authority over them. I imagine that the bond should be sent to your father at home. Please ask the College Treasurer about this. He can doubles instruct you better than I can.

With every good wish for the days ahead, believe me as of old

Very sincerely yours


Dr. Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


October 31, 1921


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