Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Sinley K.Y. Chang, May 31, 1922


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Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Sinley K.Y. Chang, May 31, 1922


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Sinley K.Y. Chang, May 31, 1922


Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Sinley K.Y. Chang informing him that whether an official guardian or not, he is willing to offer his aids and services to Chang in any way he can, to the extent he is able.


31 May, 1922

Mr.Sinely K.Y.Chang
596 Yale Station
New Haven, Conn.

My dear Chang:

Many thanks for your good letter. I am glad to be a little more clearly advised as to the character of my guardianship. Please understand that whether officially appointed or not I am not ready and willing to you in any way within my power. My only wish is not to exceed my proper authority; and the extent of that authority has never been made fully clear to me, at least in the usual way.

I wish I could join you in the trip to China. If you run across any of my old friends there, give them my warmest regards, please and accept for yourself my best wishes for a most happy homing. I have not yet received any definite word from Yung family beyond the reports brought me by Antung. From what the other boys tell me I imagine that little confidence can be placed in Antung and the instructions be xx given me purporting to have come from his father. The whole situation has been, and still is, very disquieting.

Faithfully yours.


Dr. Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


Sinley K.Y. Chang


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