Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Chuk Sang Lee, June 26, 1914


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Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Chuk Sang Lee, June 26, 1914


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Chuk Sang Lee, June 26, 1914


Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Chuk Sang Lee. Sent report of Tommy's school courses. States Lee was first Chinese boy who gained diploma with regular requirements and no favors or concessions. States Lee is most satisfactory all round student. Describes Lee's characteristics and attributes. Thanks Lee for gifts.


My dear Mr. Lee:

I am inclosing the report of your boy’s work for the final term of his school course. The record while not a high one, is on the whole eminently satisfactory. "Tommy", as we call him, has completed our course and is the first Chinese boy out of many we have had in recent years who has secured his diploma on the basis of our regular requirements, He has asked for no favors or concessions, and has proved his ability to do the full work which we require of all American boys.

We are going to miss the boy sadly from our numbers. Of all the Chinese boys I have dealt with since I have been here, and the number is not small, your boy has proved I think on the whole the most satisfactory all round fellow of any I have met. That is saying a good deal, for most of these boys have measured well up above the average standard of our American youth. Tommy has not been so brilliant in his scholarship as have some of the others, but his general record, conduct, and attitude, have been of the most gratifying kind. He has always responded to suggestion and to advice, has been remarkably frank and open in his dealings with me, and has earned the esteem and good will of his schoolmates and the faculty alike. Personally I have developed a real affection for the boy, and regret more than I can tell you to feel that he is no longer to be one of our school company. My interest in him, however, will not cease, and if at any time in the years to come I can render further assistance to you or to him, I shall deem it a privilege to be given the opportunity to do so.

May I take this opportunity also to express to you and Mrs. Lee my very deep gratitude for the exquisite gift which you recently made to me.It was wholly unexpected and wholly undeserved, and I feel a bit overwhelmed that you should have given me anything, particularly a gift to which I attach such great value as that which you have made. The Chinese workmanship in ivory is remarkable at best, and this piece is one of the finest examples of that work I have ever seen. I shall prize the gift more highly than I can tell you, and shall be glad to feel that it is associated with one whose record at Andover was so uniformly satisfactory, and for whom I had come to entertain such a deep and genuine affection.

Yours very sincerely,


Chuk Sang Lee


Dr. Alfred E. Stearns


June 26, 1914


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