Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. T.Y.C. Lee, March 15, 1915


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Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. T.Y.C. Lee, March 15, 1915


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. T.Y.C. Lee, March 15, 1915


Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Tommy Lee. Admonishes Lee for poor academic performance. States it will be a disgrace if Lee is forced to leave Sheffield.


My dear Tommy:

This morning I was more than shocked to receive a letter from the Registrar of Sheffield advising me that you had been not on probation for taking more than the allowed number of absences. Frankly, this news disgusts me. There is no earthly sense in your placing yourself in such a position as this where you are classed with the ’’loafers” and ”dead-beats” of the college community. You don’t belong there for a minute, and frankly, you ought to be ashamed to be found in such company. In my judgment, what you need more than probation is a good hard spanking, and if I could get my hands on you, and hold you quiet long enough I should be strongly tempted to administer one myself. For Goodness’ sake, wake up before it is too late, and get out of the mud in which you seem to have been wallowing ever since you struck New Haven. I could never forgive myself or you if you should have to leave Sheff. Such an outcome would be a disgrace to us all, and a reflection on all who are interested in your welfare, including not merely yourself, your family, and your friends, but even your country, and your old school.

Faithfully yours,


Dr. Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


March 15, 1915


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