Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Thomas Lee, June 8, 1915


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Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Thomas Lee, June 8, 1915


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Thomas Lee, June 8, 1915


Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Tommy Lee. Does not understand why collectors are involved. Tried to pay bills as they're sent. Asks Lee to get more detailed bills of accounts. Does not feel comfortable paying large bills that appear inaccurate. Asks about bill from Burke & Company in Boston. Asks that bills be sent immediately once Lee receives and okays them.


My dear Tommy:

I have just received your letter with inclosed bills. Herewith I am handing you check for $35. as requested. I don’t know why collectors should be hounding you. I have tried to pay the bills as they have come in, with the exception of several which have not been OK'd by you and which therefore I did not feel justified in settling at once. For example, here is one recently received from the Cooperative Society. It amounts to $28.51 and refers to a balance of $26.83. No items included in this balance are given, and naturally I dislike to pay the bill until I know what it is for. I think your father would justly object if I should send him the receipt for this bill where less than $2. worth of items were given, and over $26. worth gave no evidence of the nature of the expenditures. Won't you ask them for a detailed bill of this account and send it to me at once after you have O.K’d it! I will see that it is paid promptly.

What is the nature of your bill with Burke & Co. of 18 School Street, Boston? I have no evidence that their bill was ever sent to me for collection. Had it been received I would have paid it. Possibly it has been mislaid, but I doubt it. In any case, in view of the position they have taken without consulting me, I shall write them telling them that I have instructed you to do no further business with their firm. It looks to me like a pretty shabby piece of work on their part. Hereafter, please let me have the bills the moment they come in to you, and be sure to OK them before sending them on. This will enable me to pay them promptly on their receipt.

With all best wishes, believe me, as ever,

Faithfully yours,


Dr. Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


June 8, 1915


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