Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Thomas Lee, March 7, 1916


Dublin Core


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Thomas Lee, March 7, 1916


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Thomas Lee, March 7, 1916


Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Tommy Lee. Received and deposited check. States accounts are still behind and hopes to get accounts paid. Asks again for response about boarding house bills and mix-up. Asks about poor grades at Yale.


My dear Tommy:

Thank you for your letter and for the enclosed check. I am depositing the check to your account, and am asking my secretary to draw off a statement showing how your finances stand at the present time. This I hope to send you within a day or two. You understand, of course, that you have been behind the game for a good while in that there is still a loan at the bank standing against you. I wish that we might get this paid up and start fresh, for of course the interest charge is an extra burden and one that ought to be got rid of as soon as possible.

I have never received an answer from you to my letter regarding the boarding house mix-up of last year. Two distinguished boarding house keepers of your city down there claim the honor of having fed your delicate stomach at one and the same time. One of the good ladies has already been paid, you yourself having O.K.’d the bill. The other sends me her bill and with it a wail of complaint that she has not received her cash. I wrote you asking you if you could straighten out the tangle for me, but I have heard nothing. Please look up that letter and let me hear from you promptly. Evidently there has been a slip somewhere.

I still note that there is too much red ink on your record as submitted to us by the Yale office. I was hoping that this year we might get only good reports. What is the trouble, anyway? Can’t you make an extra effort to get out of the danger zone? You certainly don’t belong in the class that is generally represented by these red marks.

My best to you, as always,

Faithfully yours,


Dr. Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


March 7, 1916


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