Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mrs. John L. Mitchell, November 22, 1909


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Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mrs. John L. Mitchell, November 22, 1909


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mrs. John L. Mitchell, November 22, 1909


Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Harriet D. Mitchell (Mrs. John L. Mitchell). States son John Mitchell has neglected schoolwork in favor of play and outside distractions. States son has lost out of town and evening excuses and may be dismissed from school. Hopes Mrs. Mitchell can help.


Mrs. John Michell
Milaukee, Wisc.

My dear Mrs. Mitchell,

It has been a source of a very great disappointment to me to find that John has recently developed an attitude of carelessness in his work that has placed him in a very dangerous situation with relation to his standing in the school. The spirit of play, perfectly natural and perfectly legitimate, has apparently been allowed to run riot with the consequent undermining of school work and school standing. Because of the extent to which this spirit has developed and the attendant results our teachers feel that the case should be handled rather severely for the boy’s interest. In consequence, we have withdrawn for the balance of the term the privilege which we are accustomed to grant our boys in the ways of out of town and evening excuse, and have warned John that a continuation for his present attitude and his present poor work might eventually XX him to a point where it would not be wise or possible for us to permit him to continue his connection with the school.

It is with the deepest regret that I find it necessary to report such a situation to you, but I am very hopeful that our combined efforts will furnish all the pressure and incentive needed to spur the boy to greater effort with the improved results that are easily within his ability secure, and that we all so earnestly desire to see. I do not believe that John has begun to realise how seriously he has allowed his work to be impaired by his interest in play and attraction outside his studies.
With kindest personal regards, believe me

Very truly yours.


Dr. Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


November 22, 1909


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