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Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Sinley K.Y. Chang announcing the receipt of Chang's previous letter and catching Chang up on the whereabouts and happenings of various Chinese students.

Handwritten letter from Sinley K.Y. Chang to Mr. Stearns catching Stearns up on his summer plans and whereabouts following the end of his semester at Yale College. Expresses interest in hearing from Stearns on how he is doing and how the Chinese…

Handwritten letter from Sinley K.Y. Chang to Dr. Stearns catching Stearns up on his previous semester at Yale and his intent on studying public finance at Harvard postgrad. Ultimately wishes to study the social conditions of China and go into public…

Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Sinley K.Y. Chang informing Chang that they may speak further concerning Chang's problems in person during Stearns' upcoming visit to New Haven on March 16th.

Handwritten letter from Sinley K.Y. Chang to Dr. Stearns informing Stearns that due to a prior engagement on March 16th, he will be unable to meet with Stearns during his visit to New Haven on that date. Requests possible alternative dates.

Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Sinley K.Y. Chang alerting Chang to his upcoming schedule, including a planned visit to New Haven on Sunday evening. Expresses doubt that they will be able to meet in person then, and requests that they meet…

Handwritten letter from Sinley K.Y. Chang to Dr. Stearns catching Stearns up on his final year of college at Yale, plans to study political science at Harvard for an M.A., and plans to return to China in 1926. Announces his intention to visit Andover…

Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Sinley K.Y. Chang wishing for them to reconnect in person shortly. Stearns announces that he does not have a spare copy of his book for autographing, but is Chang were to send him a copy, Stearns could…

Handwritten letter from Sinley K.Y. Chang to Dr. Stearns thanking Stearns for his recent letter and letting Stearns know that he will be sending him a copy of his book to be autographed. Requests that Stearns write him a letter of recommendation for…

Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Sinley K.Y. Chang enclosing the note Chang requested. Wishes Chang good luck.
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