Browse Items (179 total)


Typed letter sent from secretary to Phillips Academy principal to C.E.H. Whitlock. Provides address for Mr. Lee's father. Wrote to Lee to straighten out the matter.

Handwritten letter sent from Russell Stiles to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns "Commodore". States Tommy Lee had charged overnight and auto to camp account. Received check for $4.70. States $5.50 is still due. Thanks Stearns for help over the summer. …

Handwritten letter sent from Nonpareil Laundry Company to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Enclosed receipts. States $20 overpayment will be credited to Lee's account next year.

Handwritten letter sent from Mrs. A.F. Daab to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns about Lee's rent. Has not received response to last letter. Sent copy of last letter. States Mr. Russell, house manager, saw Lee at the house. States Lee was at the house until…

Handwritten letter sent from Mrs. A.F. Daab to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Enclosed itemized bill for Thomas Lee's board. Thanks Stearns for attending matter quickly.

Handwritten letter sent from Mrs. A.F. Daab to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Sent Thomas Lee's bill for board contracted last year. Received a check in November for part of cost. States Lee received bill every week but didn't pay it. Asks Stearns to…

Handwritten letter sent from Mrs. A.F. Daab to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Has proof Lee stayed with her from October 12, 1915 to December 11, 1915, not Mrs. Shea. Received a check from Stearns for rent from October 12 to October 28. Will send envelope…

Handwritten letter sent from Leo Morris to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Returned check. States Thomas Lee paid bill in person two weeks ago.

Handwritten note sent from Leo Morris to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns about a bill for Thomas Lee. Gave bill to Lee to forward. Has not received remittance. Contacted Stearns directly.

Typed letter sent from Legal Process Company of Boston, Massachusetts to T.Y.C. Lee, and forwarded to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. States $10 bill from Burke & Company has been sent to collections.
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