Browse Items (179 total)


Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Spending week in Webster. Invited by Mrs. Mitchell. Requests January allowance.

Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Enclosed check from Lee's father. Heads to Boston for holidays. Provides Boston address

Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Y.C. Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Describes events from his return to China to the present. States most of the Andover group is in Peking or Tientsin and are in communication with one another. States Mr. Tsai,…

Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Y.C. Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Discusses living situation at Columbia. Describes apartment. Enrolled in Columbia Business school. Thanks Stearns for sending check to Montifield. Telegraphed Stearns because…

Handwritten letter sent from Y.C. Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. States conference is over. Asks Stearns to send appropriate amount of money for remainder of summer.

Handwritten letter from Tommy Y.C. to Miss Jones about the Columbia Chinese Crew. Is the only one from Andover. Gives updates on H.K. Kwong and Y.L. Tong.

Typed letter sent from William O'Brien, justice of the peace, to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. States Shop of Jenkins, Inc. Haberdashers placed a claim for collection from Y.C. Lee. Explains Lee promised to pay before college ended, but did not. Contacts…

Handwritten letter sent from Y.S. Chow to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Plans to enter Cornell University. Asks for Cornell summer school certificate be sent. Requests high school testimony if possible.

Notice of failure from Yale University for Y.C. Lee sent to Mr. A.E. Stearns.
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