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Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Sent check. Requests $30 for spending money and bills. Vacation begins Wednesday. Asks to hear from Stearns by Thursday morning.

Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Is on academic probation at Yale. Blames Latin course. Explains reasoning behind taking Latin. Will be tutored in Vergil. Undecided on summer plans. Considering Northfield.

Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Asks for $60 to travel to New York City and for room and board. Traveled to Northfield after conference for vacation before school starts.

Typed letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Okayed bill from Mrs. Daab. Apologized for mix-up and delay.

Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Will see Stearns at next speaking engagement at Yale. Enclosed received check. Asks how accounts are.

Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Apologizes for trouble. Heard from family that money was sent. Wrote home about situation and believes more money will be sent later. Will cut expenses. Received grades.

Handwritten note sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Asks Stearns to settle bill. Forgot to send last summer.

Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Is registered as Ying Chiu Lee at Yale. Was unsure of who to send bond to. Asks about Mrs. Hall.

Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Asks Stearns to fill out form. Unsure what it is exactly. States Yale is looking for guarantor for bill payments.

Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Is part of soccer team. Asks for $30 for games and traveling expenses. States marks in French and History have been good. Apologizes for delay in sending receipt. Asks for check to…
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