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Handwritten letter sent from Russell Stiles to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns "Commodore". States Tommy Lee had charged overnight and auto to camp account. Received check for $4.70. States $5.50 is still due. Thanks Stearns for help over the summer. …

Typed letter sent from secretary to Phillips Academy principal to Edward W. Bourne. States Dr. Sterans is unsure of Y.C. Lee's present address. Provides last known address. Forwarded letter to address.

Typed letter sent from secretary to Phillips Academy principal to C.E.H. Whitlock. Provides address for Mr. Lee's father. Wrote to Lee to straighten out the matter.

Handwritten letter sent from Shong Hai Low Rest to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Requests bill from Y.C. Lee be settled. States $28.55 is owed.

Newspaper article from The Boston Herald and Journal about the first Chinese crew at Columbia University.

Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Asks for statements for accounts. Needs to know current state in order to handle accounts himself. Asks for statements related to loan from bank. Thanks Stearns for the help given…

Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Asks if Stearns received receipt from Bursar. Will contact Bursar if not. Asks for $60 after paying room, board, and books. Discusses college courses.

Telegram sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns requesting $60.

Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Unable to plan for summer until exam results are known. States boarding house closed. Taking meals at no definite place. Requests $30 to cover expenses.

Handwritten letter sent from Tommy Lee to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Received $30 check. Dropped Latin. Still studying Latin for entrance exam.
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