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Handwritten letter sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. Apologizes for sending letter while Stearns was out of town. Requests money as soon as possible.

Handwritten letter sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. Received bill from Cose & Yong again. Asks bill to be paid as soon as possible. Asks for $8.50 to pay bill.

Handwritten letter sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. Received money and sent receipt. Received bill from Coes & Young. Asked how to pay bill when Stearns refused.

Handwritten letter sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. Wrote home about studies and need for additional money. Believes family did not account for vacations. Asked for weekly allowance from Mr. Knapp but money was gone. Asks for $10 for…

Handwritten letter sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. Joined track team. Requests $5.25 to for equipment.

Handwritten letter sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns about money for summer expenses. Discusses room and board costs for summer vacation. Requests $100 be sent. Stayed at Cambridge until July 9. Traveled to Ashburnham. Will stay until…

Handwritten letter sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. Wishes to attend Andover in the fall as a junior middle class. Requests room.

Handwritten letter sent from Fayuen Sun to Alfred E. Stearns. Discussed matters with Kwan. Request $200 to cover summer expenses.

Handwritten letter sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. Met brother in Boston, who is going to Waban's summer camp next July. States Waban's camp is more expensive. Hopes Stearns is give the same amount of money to Sun. States Mr. Tong…

Handwritten note sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. Has Easter vacation for two weeks. Plans to spend part with friend in Providence. Asks for $50 for vacation. Also requests April allowance.
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